
Nathan Hoche

Master Degree Student
Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science
Epitech + University of Kent
Currently in France



Last Update: 04/2024


Hello! My name is Nathan Hoche and I am currently a fifth-year student at Epitech, pursuing my studies in the field of computer science. Prior to this, I completed my Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Kent, where I delved deep into the intricacies of AI technologies and applications. I fell in love with Artificial Intelligence years ago, and I decided to work on it, convinced as I am that AI can improve the world of tomorrow.


Epitech - Toulouse
Master Degree in Computer Science

Study on computer science in general (Web Development, Mobile, Software, DevOps, AI, ...), through different projects either individually or in groups.
During my scholarship, I learn a lot of different languages (C, C++, HTML/CSS, JS, TS, Python, Haskell, ...), a lot of different technologies/frameworks (React, React Native, Express, Flask, Docker, ...), but I also acquired a lot of soft skills in order to handle project or group (ex: Agile, Jira, Git, ...).

A part of my school project can be found here.

University of Kent - Canterbury
Master Degree in Artificial Intelligence

In depth study of Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Natural Processing, ...
This year allowed me to specialize in Artificial Intelligence and to gain a strong theoretical knowledge. (Epitech was only focused on practice, while Kent was focused on theoretical aspect)

My final dissertation can be found here.

Professional Experience

Expleo - Toulouse
Internship as an Intelligence Artificial Engineer

Research, development and implementation of AI models for a robot:
- Research and implementation of Speech To Text, Text to speech and LLM models.
- Research, development and implementation of Prompt Engineer and NLP for text classification.
- Research, development and implementation of Voice recognition and Depth Estimation models.
- Fine tuning of Depth Estimation model with the camera specification.
- Models optimization for real world situation.

(Once my internship is over, I will put more informations.)

Paarly - Toulouse
Data Science Internship

- Implementation of scraper / crawler to retrieve product information from over 50 websites.
- Implemented selenium to manage sites that were too complex.
- Management and documentation of scraper under puppeteer.
- Training and support for new trainees.

Paarly - Toulouse
Data Science Internship

Implementation of scraper / crawler to retrieve product information from over 30 websites.


Hubs Epitech - Toulouse

Organisation of more than 10 talks and 20 workshops for lower grades Epitech students
The talks and workshops I organized were focused on Artificial Intelligence, Web Scraping and Web Development.

E-mma Association - Toulouse

Organisation of talks and workshops for teenagers/children to encourage diversity in IT.